
Tina Williams Brewer

Resident Artist
Fiber Artist

In a world that is becoming increasingly smaller, the relationship between art and real life offers a glimpse into our interconnectedness, our humanity.  Using the thread of humanity and the  goals of dignity and respect, my quilting process celebrates the journey.

The intent of the residency is to stimulate and contemplate personal stories, giving voice and vision to otherwise unrealized stories. The discovery  liberates the spirit in search of identity to convey and build personal and cultural connection to historical and contemporary issues.  The students will utilize astatic problem solving, cultural and personal symbols to create fabric that blend and connect them to past and present . This gathering of materials will emphasize the meaning of personal choice, an act of transformation, a catalyst for social change.

The quilts can take a traditional or abstract collage format as well as two dimensional or a three dimensional form. All residencies are designed to compliment and support the rigger of the classroom. The building block of co-optive learning, self-esteem, and life skills is natural to the quilting process as it all happens organically. Through the meditation of sewing we create the the atmosphere to massage the active, the creative, and the making process. Teachers, teaching artist and students bring equal voice to the action of discovery. We inspire, we have fun, we reach for success, and we teach with respect.

Watch this amazing video directed by Gretchen Neidert as part of the Master Visual Artists series of 2013:

Tine Brewer