Debra Meteney
Deb Meteney has been weaving for about 45 years beginning with her first class at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts a few years after graduating from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1974. Since that time she has never stopped searching for more knowledge and experience in a craft that she finds continually fascinating!
In her younger days Deb worked as a scientist at MCL and Bettis Atomic Laboratory in materials analysis during the day and studied weaving in the evenings. Early on she became interested in dyeing fiber and specialized in warp painted pieces and images painted on warps while still on the loom. Her warp painted hand sewn jackets have won best of show and juror’s choice awards locally and nationally and have been published in Handwoven Magazine, Fiberart Design Series and juried into Convergence Fashion Shows.
Deb has served as a board member at Touchstone Center for Crafts and was originator of the Fiber Focus Weekend at Touchstone. She has also taught weaving and dyeing at Touchstone, Seton Hill University, and the Midwest Fiber Conference. She served as President of the Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh for two years and was chairman of the guild’s educational workshops for many years.
Deb has been teaching at PCAM for about 18 years and loves her students because of their endless curiosity and willingness to share knowledge. This atmosphere creates a wonderful place for weavers to grow and feel part of a supportive community. New students are especially welcome and taken under the wing of the instructors and returning students alike.
The PCAM weaving studio is one of a handful of places to learn weaving in depth in the northeastern United States. Each student learns on a floor loom with 4 to 10 harnesses. Accessories needed for weaving are available in the studio. Students are offered continual guidance and learn at their own pace.