Artists in Schools & Communities
West Greene Elementary Center
Meanwhile in Greene County, the fourth graders of West Greene Elementary Center worked with art teacher Mrs. Adrienne Day and Resident Artist Lindsay Huff to create a hanging curtain of metal charms that was installed in the entryway of the Elementary Center.
Students learned about properties of different metals including copper, brass, aluminum, and steel and manipulated pieces of each using pliers, hammers, anvils, shears, and letter stamps. The fourth graders also applied color with vitreous enamel and got to observe the mini-kiln in action during the 1500°F fusing process.
Creative writing had a role in the process as well as students brainstormed words to represent something important to them in the present and something they hoped for the future. By stamping their words into the metal pieces, the fourth grade created a group list poem that will serve as a monument to their grit, their collaboration, and their hopes and dreams.