Opening Reception: Over…Under…Repeat
Join us for the opening reception of Over…Under…Repeat! Featuring the work of PCA&M’s weaving group, The Weavers In The Attic, the exhibition features the pieces and patterns the group has meticulously woven in our studio.
“PCA&M has been a haven for Pittsburgh area weavers for over 60 years. Currently housed in the Attic of the Marshall Building, the Weaving Studio is a welcoming gathering place where weavers come together to create, learn, laugh, and share
their love of fiber.
Some of our pieces are intended for display – as works of art – but most are objects that can bring beauty and functionality into our daily lives, such as scarves, table linens and rugs. Our manifesto, if we had one, would be this quote from Anni Albers, Master Weaver of the Bauhaus: “Usefulness does not prevent a thing, anything, from being art. It is the thoughtfulness, care, and sensitivity in regard to form that makes a fabric turn into art….””
– The Weavers In The Attic
Join us on Friday, March 21st from 6:00pm to 8:00pm as we celebrate the work and talents of our weavers!
This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served