

Intuitive Painting: Mindfulness and Personal Narrative

We all carry within us symbolic images, memories, dreams and stories in our unconscious. They can come bubbling up to the surface when we least expect it, usually when we are open and calm. Through the process of layering acrylic paint and collaged materials intuitively, these images may meet us as old or unexpected friends through our artwork. In this class, we will practice reaching a state of openness prime for exploring our personal stories and symbols as they emerge through the creative process. We will discuss how to create our own vocabulary through shapes and images, how to use collage and mixed media, and ways to unify your work in a satisfying way. Some painting experience is helpful but any level can enjoy this intuitive process. This course is great not just for any artist looking to explore the connection between mind and creative practice, but especially for those working in the healing arts, teachers, therapists, and caregivers. Join us in this creative space on Sunday mornings to unwind and regroup before the new week.

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