

Interior Spaces: Oil Painting

This course will focus on painting Interior Spaces with a very direct approach. Many of the works done in this class will be small to medium scale one-sitting paintings. We will discuss materials and techniques to help you develop fluency with your painting language. Early on we will briefly cover some important drawing ideas like sight measurement and linear perspective. Throughout the course we will do a small number of Master Copies. Painting from the Masters will help you to become comfortable with the medium of Oil Painting, help you understand the nature of interior spaces and what the most important aspects of them are. We will transition from Master Copy to working directly from life, applying the ideas of simplification of form into shapes of light and shadow as well as compositional structure. We will refine our ability to see the entirety of a space at once and then take this one step further as we deal with the notion that certain types of light have distinct qualities of color.

interior spaces

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