Artist Services

Fiscal Sponsorship

Connecting artists to funding and resources.

PCA&M offers fiscal sponsorship to meet the needs of individual artists because many corporate funders and foundations restrict grant making to fully tax-exempt organizations. The Fiscal Sponsorship Program provides artist projects with the ability to apply for funding and other resources available only to organizations with 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. PCA&M requires applicants to complete and send in an application accompanied by a project proposal which includes a detailed description/treatment of the project, timeline with disbursement schedule, fundraising and distribution plan, résumés of key personnel, a list of project advisors (as applies), a budget, and a sample reel or portfolio of past work. The proposal will be reviewed by PCA&M staff. Once a project is accepted into the Fiscal Sponsorship Program, PCA&M will administer and disburse all funding raised by the artist after deducting a 7% administrative fee.

If you are an artist interested in PCA&M’s Fiscal Sponsorship Program, please contact Tricia Phillips at