Still Life Oil Painting
This course is geared toward painters new to the medium of oil painting but is open to painters of all levels of experience and will focus on the Still Life. We will develop an understanding of the materials we are working and how they can translate what we see into the language of painting. We will discuss basic color theory alongside the painting philosophy of Charles Hawthorne, which he described as Color Spot Notation. Emphasis will be placed on color mixing and building space, form and light through color relationships. Ideas around composition, symbolism and narrative through Still Life will be addressed as well. Throughout the course we will look at and discuss the work of several painters of the past and make at least one master copy. This will help you to become comfortable with the medium of oil painting and build confidence in accurately translating color, form, space, and light. We will work with still life in a variety of contexts from extremely simple to elaborate and complex.
This class will be held online, via Zoom.