
Lindsay Woge

Resident Artist
Creative-Reuse Designer

Being creative is a joyful experience that everyone – of every age, of every background, of every ability – can participate in, and its effects can be powerful: therapeutic, spiritual, energizing, reaffirming, unifying, and FUN!

My career has been dedicated to two things: being an intuitive and compassionate educator (first and foremost!) and being an artist/entrepreneur (last but not least!).  In both of these endeavors, my focus is creative reuse/making treasure from trash, and my personal joy and inspiration stems from being a part of the creative process, particularly among a group of learners who sees (or wants to see) the possibility in scraps of wood or reclaimed bottles or outdated fabrics.

Since 2007, I have owned and operated Fresh Heirlooms, a creative-reuse showroom.  My work appears in the homes and offices of hundreds of clients as well as on the pages of local and national publications (Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Pittsburgh Magazine, Boho Magazine, etc…).

Through Fresh Heirlooms and other arts organizations, I have participated in or initiated a variety of community-based arts projects, such as an oral-history exhibit with After-School Matters/The Peace Museum (Chicago) and the Operation Weed and Seed-funded Give Youth Tools, which empowers youth to excel in art, math and science through creative-reuse.  These skills were also reinforced while facilitating Summer Dreamer’s Academy.  There, for instance, a group of elementary aged students used multiplication skills in a game involving the creation of imaginative creatures.   In all my residency projects I aspire to help students connect with community, enhance their skills, and create through discovery.

Lindsay Woge